
  • Pre-Congress (Only domestic participants)
  • Military Trauma Nursing Society Academic Seminar
  • Military Emergency Medical Technician Society Development Seminar
  • 15th NICE Course Nurse Intensive Care Education
  • TREE Course AIS Coding Education
  • ET-REBOA Course
July 1 (Thu.), 2021
Time 온라인 진행 하이브리드 진행 오프라인 진행
(장소: 호텔스카이파크 킹스타운 (동대문점) 14층 킹스홀)
08:30 ~ 09:00 Registration
09:00 ~ 10:00 Military Trauma Nursing Society Academic Seminar
15th NICE Course

Nurse Intensive Care Education
TREE Course

AIS Coding Education
10:00 ~ 11:00
11:00 ~ 12:00
12:00 ~ 13:00
13:00 ~ 14:00 Military Emergency Medical Technician Society Development Seminar
14:00 ~ 15:00
15:00 ~ 16:00
16:00 ~ 17:00
17:00 ~ 18:00
July 1 (Thu.), 2021
Time 온라인 진행
08:30 ~ 09:00 Registration
09:00 ~ 09:30 Welcome remark / Congratory remark
(AFMC Soon-young Lee / AFCH Jum-sook Kang)
09:30 ~ 10:00 Orthopedic trauma in ROKA
(AFCH AFTC Giho Moon)
10:00 ~ 10:30 Construction and management of trauma registry
(CHHRTC Ji Yun Lee)
10:30 ~ 11:00 Preperation of ROKA trauma center
(AFCH AFTH Jihong Jang)
11:00 ~ 11:30 Introducing trauma courses in Armed Forces Medical School
(AFMS Seon Young Kim)
11:30 ~12:00 Operating cases of a regional trauma center under COVID-19 pandemic in ROK
(UMHETC So-Young Jung)
12:00 ~ 12:30 U.S. trauma center training experience
(BAMC Younyoung Heo)
July 1 (Thu.), 2021
Time 온라인 진행
08:30 ~ 12:00 Registration
13:00 ~ 13:02 Congratulatory Address
(President of Korea EMT association, Jong Geun Yoon)
13:02 ~ 13:08 Opening Speech
(President of Korea EMT association military branch, SM Hyun Chul Kim)
13:08 ~ 13:27 Introduction of the 2020 CPR guideline
(Professor of wonkwang health university, Choi Jae Woong)
13:27 ~ 13:47 First aid for a multiple trauma patient
(AFSH Trauma center, COL Yoon Hyun Lee)
13:47 ~ 14:04 Role enhancement measures for the EMT’s at Military base
(53 division, EMT Seong Nyeong Kim)
14:04 ~ 14:13 Measures to improve first aid for trauma patient (war game)
(ATC, SFC Dal Rae Jin)
14:13 ~ 14:23 Proposed introduction of military field first aid standard guideline
(AFMS, SFC Jong Man Jeong)
14:23 ~ 14:33 Operation of medical units using future unmanned system
(AFMS, MS jim Hyuk Im)
14:33 ~ 14:45 Introduction of the USAF IDMT
(Chief of Aerospace medicine, 51 MDG MAJ Jacob Berry)
14:45 ~ 14:59 Introduction of EMT military branch’s annual activities
(AFSH Trauma center, SM Hyun Chul Kim)
July 1 (Thu.), 2021
Time 하이브리드 진행
08:30 ~ 09:00 Registration
09:20~09:30 Opening remark, Congraturatory Address
09:30~10:00 Trauma overview: trauma systems, triage, ISS, trauma center
10:00~10:30 Initial Assessment & Management of the Airway
10:30~10:50 Break Time
10:50~11:20 Initial Management of Hemorrhagic Shock
11:20~11:50 Trauma Damage Control
11:50~13:00 Lunch Time
13:00~13:30 Imaging for Trauma(Trauma Series)
13:30~14:00 Neurologic monitoring & Examinations
14:00~14:30 Management of Pain, Agitation/Sedation, Delirium, Immobility, and Sleep Disruption
14:30~14:50 Break Time
14:50~15:10 Management of Oxygenation
15:10~15:30 Hemodynamic monitoring
15:30~15:50 Wound, Catheter, Drainage tube Care
15:50~16:10 Electrocardiographic Monitoring
16:10~16:30 Discussion
July 1 (Thu.), 2021
오프라인 진행
(장소: 호텔스카이파크 킹스타운 (동대문점) 14층 킹스홀)
Time TITLE Tutor Affiliate
09:30~09:50 Registration
09:50~10:00 Opening remark Kun HWANG President of KST
Congratulatory Address
10:00~10:20 Introduction Jung-Ho Yun Dankook university
10:20~10:50 Abdomen Gil Jae Lee Gachon university
10:50~11:20 Chest Young-Woong Kim Ulsan university
11:20~12:00 Face and neck Sung Wook Chang Dankook university
12:00~13:00 Lunch Time
13:00~13:30 Head Hyuk Jin Choi Pusan national university
13:30~14:00 Spine Byung Chul Kim Pusan national university
14:00~15:00 Extremities Yong-Cheol Yoon Gachon university
15:00~15:30 Coffee break
15:30~16:00 External Oh-Sang Kwon Cheju halla hospital
16:00~16:30 Exercise Jeong Seok Yun Dankook university
16:30~16:40 Closing Jung-Ho Yun Dankook university
July 1 (Thu.), 2021
오프라인 진행
(장소: 호텔스카이파크 킹스타운 (동대문점) 14층 킹스홀)
Time Lecture Tutor
09:00-09:20 Registration and Pre-questionnaire
09:20-09:30 Opening remark
09:30-09:50 Course introduction 장성욱
09:50-10:50 Basic concept of REBOA
09:50-10:10 Concept of REBOA 장성욱
10:10-10:30 AABCD and sheath upsizing 김형일
10:30-10:50 How to do it? 이석원
10:50-11:10 Coffee break
11:10-12:00 Special lecture session
11:10-11:50 Endovascular treatment for trauma 문성남
11:50-12:00 Q & A
12:00-13:00 Lunch Time
13:00-15:00 Hands-on Course (조별이동실습 포함)
13:00-13:20 Model simulation 장예림
13:20-14:50 Hands-on Course and Q & A – 3 Sessions
6 Tables, 6 groups (4 person/group)

1. US-guided vascular access and wire technique
2. Sheath insertion and upsizing, changing
3. Practical scenario on training model
Table 1. 김형일, 문성남, 김오현
Table 2. 이석원, 마대성, 정필영
Table 3. 김동훈, 유병철, 장예림, 한아람
14:50-15:00 Q & A
15:00-15:10 Coffee break
15:10-17:40 Educational cases and discussion
15:10-15:50 Pitfall 정필영
15:50-16:30 What would you do? 유병철
16:30-16:40 Coffee break
16:40-17:40 Post-REBOA Management 김동훈
17:40-17:50 Q & A, Post-Questionnaire
17:50-18:00 Debriefing and Closing remark

* Pre-Congress Workshop
NICE Course는 적정 인원 미달로 행사가 취소되었습니다. 이 점 양해 부탁드립니다
다음 행사는 2021년 11월 18일에 있을 예정입니다.
사전등록 하신 분들께는 개별적으로 연락 드려 등록비 환불해드리도록 하겠습니다.

TREE, ET-REBOA는 오프라인으로 진행되며, 적정인원 미달시 폐강될 수 있습니다.
TREE, ET-REBOA 장소 안내: 호텔스카이파크 킹스타운 (동대문점) 14층 킹스홀